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Using Dagster to run synphage pipeline allows the user to easily configure the jobs at run-time when required.

User data directory


Only valid when synphage is installed with pip.

The path is normally set as an environment variable INPUT_DIR, but the directory can be modified at run time from the job configuration panel, accessible through the Open Launchpad button.

Field Name Description Default Value
input_dir directory to the users' GenBank files INPUT_DIR or TEMP_DIR

Query config options

To change the query configations, open the dropdown menu at the right of the Materialize all black button. Then go to Open launchpad. This will open a pop-up window with the configurations.

Field Name Description Default Value
search_key Keyword(s) for NCBI query Myoalterovirus

Plot config options

To change the plot configations, open the dropdown menu at the right of the Materialize all black button. Then go to Open launchpad. This will open a pop-up window with the configurations.

List of the supported configurations:

  1. Genome selection

    Field Name Description Default Value
    sequence_file File containing the plot instruction sequences.csv
  2. Graphic

    Field Name Description Default Value
    title Generated plot file title synteny_plot
    graph_type Type of dataset to use for the graph blastn
    colours Gene identity colour bar ["#fde725", "#90d743", "#35b779", "#21918c", "#31688e", "#443983", "#440154"]
    gradient Nucleotide identity colour bar #B22222
    graph_shape Linear or circular representation linear
    graph_pagesize Output document format A4
    graph_fragments Number of fragments 1
    graph_start Sequence start 1
    graph_end Sequence end length of the longest genome