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Via pip


synphage relies on one non-python dependency, Blast+ >= 2.12.0, that need to be manually installed when synphage is installed with pip.

Install synphage

synphageis available as a Python package and can be install with the Python package manager pip in an opened terminal window.

# Latest
pip install synphage
# Latest
python -m pip install synphage

This will automatically install compatible versions of all Python dependencies.

Run synphage

  1. Environment variables

    1. synphage uses the environment variable DATA_DIR to allow the user to specify a data directory.

      export DATA_DIR=/path_to_data
      • If no data directory is set, the data folder will be the temporary folder by default. The current data directory can be checked in the config panel of the jobs.
      • This directory contains all the data generated during the run as well as the genbank files and sequences.csv file added by the user.
    2. Set EMAIL and API_KEY environment variables (optional). These variables are only required if you want to use the NCBI_download job.

      export API_KEY=gdzjdfzkhlh6832HBkh
    3. Optional. Set the environment variable DAGSTER_HOME to keep track of the previous run and generated assets.

      export DAGSTER_HOME=/dagster

      This directory contains the information linked to the run of the pipeline. In order to keep the information about previous runs when working in the same project, it is advice to connect a volume to it otherwise information will be wiped out when the container is removed.

  2. Copy genbank files in the /genbank/ directory of you DATA_DIR

    cp path_to_my_gb_files/*.gb /<path_to_data>/genbank/


    The use of spaces and special characters in file names, might cause error downstream.


    .gband .gbk are both valid extension for genbank files

  3. For ploting add a sequences.csv file in the /data directory. Format your file according to the example below:,0,1
    # Create file
    touch sequences.csv
    # Edit file
    vim sequences.csv
    # Copy file to the /data directory
    docker cp path_to_file/sequences.csv /data/


    Please here use only .gb as file extension.


    The integer after the comma represents the orientation of the sequence in the synteny diagram. 0 : sequence 1 : reverse

  4. Start dagster and synphage

    dagster dev -h -p 3000 -m synphage

Via docker

Pre-requisite : docker

In order to use synphage Docker Image, you first need to have docker installed.

Docker-Desktop download


When installing docker from the website, the right version should automatically be selected for your computer.

Pull synphage image

  1. Open the docker desktop app and go to Images.

  2. Go to the search bar and search for synphage.
    Search synphage image in DockerHub

  3. Pull the image (it will automatically select for the latest image (advised)).

  4. The synphage image is installed Installed image


Your Dashboard might look a bit different depending on the Docker Desktop version and your OS.

# Pull the image from docker hub
docker pull vestalisvirginis/synphage:latest

# List installed Docker Images
docker image ls
It will download the latest image. If a former version is desired, reeplace latest by version tag (e.g. 0.0.6).

Run synphage container

  1. Start the container Start container

  2. Open the drop-down menu Optional settings:
    Optional settings pop-up window

  3. Set the port to 3000 (or any other port still available on your computer).
    Port is the only setting required for running the program, as it uses a web-interface.
    Optional settings example

  4. Set EMAIL and API_KEY environment variables (optional). These variables are only required if you want to use the NCBI_download job. Environment variables

  5. Press the Run botton.

  6. In Containers -> Files : Drag and drop your genbank files in the /data/genbank directory of your running container Drag and drop genbank files


    The use of spaces and special characters in file names, might cause error downstream.


    .gband .gbk are both valid extension for genbank files

  7. For ploting add a sequences.csv file in the /data directory. Please use the file editor of the docker to check that the format of your file is according to the example below:,0,1
    Example of incorrectly formatted csv file (can happen when saved from excel): Incorrectly formatted csv file Example of correctly formatted csv file:
    Correctly formatted csv file


    Please here use only .gb as file extension.


    The integer after the comma represents the orientation of the sequence in the synteny diagram. 0 : sequence 1 : reverse

  8. Connect to the web interface Open the link to the web-interface

  1. Environnment variable Only required if you want to use the NCBI_download job. The variables can be exported before starting the container or a .env file can be copied into the working directory.

    export API_KEY=gdzjdfzkhlh6832HBkh

    Dagster will recognise and import environment variable from the .env file automatically.

  2. Start the container

    docker run -d --rm --name my_phage_box -p 3000:3000 vestalisvirginis/synphage:latest

  3. Copy genbank files in the /data/genbank/ directory of the container

    docker cp path_to_my_gb_files/*.gb container_id:/data/genbank/


    The use of spaces and special characters in file names, might cause error downstream.


    .gband .gbk are both valid extension for genbank files

  4. For ploting add a sequences.csv file in the /data directory. Format your file according to the example below:,0,1
    # Create file
    touch sequences.csv
    # Edit file
    vim sequences.csv
    # Copy file to the /data directory
    docker cp path_to_file/sequences.csv /data/


    Please here use only .gb as file extension.


    The integer after the comma represents the orientation of the sequence in the synteny diagram. 0 : sequence 1 : reverse

  5. Open localhost:3000 in your web-browser.

Save your data


Before stopping the container, don't forget to save your data. You can easily download the folder containing the tables and the graph onto your computer.

Save data generated in the container

docker cp container-id/data/* your_directory/

Stop and remove your container:

At the end of your work you can stop and remove your container:

Stop container

Remove container

docker stop <container-id>
docker rm <container-id>

Keep your data


The container has two volumes.

/dagster : which contain the information linked to the run of the pipeline. In order to keep the information about previous runs when working in the same project, it is advice to connect a volume to it otherwise information will be wiped out when the container is removed.

/data : which contains all the data generated during the run as well as the genbank files and sequences.csv file added by the user.

In order to keep your data and be able to re-use them, for example re-used previously computed sequences and create new plots, you can create Volumes to attached to the container.

  1. Create volume
    Create volumes

  2. Connect your volume to the docker volume when starting your container. Attache volume to container volume

  1. Create volume
    docker volume create synphage_volume
  2. Connect your volume to the docker volume when starting your container.
    docker run -d --rm --name my_phage_box -v synphage_volume:/data -p 3000:3000 vestalisvirginis/synphage:latest

A volume can also be created for dagster in order to keep a trace of your previous run. In this case the corresponding volume in the container is /dagster.