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Navigating synphage pipeline


In order to use the software, the user needs to provide: - genbank files of the genomes to analyse (.gb or .gbk) - a csv file called sequences.csv containing the name and orientation of the sequence to plot (only necessary for the plotting job)

For more information, refer to section: 'Run synphage' when using python environment or Runsynphage` in container when using a docker container.

Data architecture

The folders and files are organised as follow inside the data directory:

├── download/
├── genbank/
├── sequences.csv
├── gene_identity/
│   ├── fasta/
│   ├── blastn_database/
│   └── blastn/
└── tables/    ├── blastn_summary/
│   ├── locus_and_gene/
│   └── uniqueness/
└── syntenys/    ├── colour_table/
│   └── synteny_graph.svg
└── fs/ 

Software structure


The current software is structured in four different jobs.
- blasting_job : create the blastn of each sequences against each sequences (results -> gene_identity folder)
- transform : create three tables from the blastn results and genbank files (results -> tables)
- synteny_job : create the synteny graph (results -> synteny)
- ncbi_download_job : download genomes to be analysed from the NCBI database (same combinaison of keywords can be used as in the ncbi website)


Different synteny plots can be generated from the same set of genomes. In this case the two first jobs only need to be run once and the third job (synteny_job) can be triggered separately for each graphs.

Output data


The tables generated by the software are saved as parquet files. Those files can easily be read with a software such as Tad (

Synteny plot

The synteny plot is generated as .svg file and .png file, and contains the sequences indicated in the sequences .csv file. The genes are colour-coded according to their abundance (percentage) among the plotted sequences. The cross-links between each consecutive sequence indicates the percentage or similarities between those two sequences. The .svg can be open with a software such as Inkscape ( and be further annotated if needed.

Plotting config options
Field Name Description Default Value
title Generated plot file title synteny_plot
colours Gene identity colour bar ["#fde725", "#90d743", "#35b779", "#21918c", "#31688e", "#443983", "#440154"]
gradient Nucleotide identity colour bar #B22222
graph_shape Linear or circular representation linear
graph_pagesize Output document format A4
graph_fragments Number of fragments 1
graph_start Sequence start 1
graph_end Sequence end length of the longest genome

Genbank file download

The ncbi_download_job allow to download sequences of interest into the genbank folder to be subsequently processed by the software.


Connection to the NCBI databases requires user's email and api_key.

export API_KEY=UserApiKey

Query config options
Field Name Description Default Value
search_key Keyword(s) for NCBI query Myoalterovirus
database Database identifier nuccore

How to run the software

After starting starting the container, open the dagster web-interface ( into the web-browser.

Dagster landing page

In order to run the different jobs, hit the Job tab. The three job constituing the pipeline will be displayed.

List of jobs

Job 1 : blasting job

The first step of the pipeline is to run blastn between each genomes using the blast+ tool from the ncbi ( This job require that sequences have been added to the genbank folder. In order to run the job, hit the rigth up corner botton labelled Materialize all .

Job 1 pipeline

Job 1 running

Once an element is indicated as materialized, metadata related to the job will be available in the rigth panel. See example below, showing the list of the sequence that have been processed.

Job 1 finished : all the elements were materialized

Once all the assets are materialized, new sequences can be added to the folder and be processed the same way.

Job 2 : transform job

Job 2 pipeline

In order to run the second job, genbank files needs to be present in the genbank folder and the first job needs to have been materialized.
To run run the job, hit the Launchpad tab and and then the rigth down-corner botton Launch run.

Job 2 Launchpad

As previously you can follow the progression of the job.

Progression of the job 2 run

Job 2 finished

Job 2 needs to be re-run after Job 1 in order to integrate the new data to the table.

Job 3 : synteny job

This job requires the genbank files to be available in the genbank folder, that job 1 and 2 have been run on the sequence of interest and that a sequences.csv is present in the /data folder.

As for the first job, this job is triggered by hiting the Materialize all botton.

Job 3 pipeline

In the same way as previously, you can follow the progression of the job.

Job 3 run progression

Metadata for each assets are also available in the rigth panel for each asset.

Job 3 plot metadata

The sequences.csv file can be amended and the job can be run again (2 more sequences were added for the plot):

Job 3 with 4 sequences in the csv file

New run metadata

In order to change the configurations for the graphic, click the arrow on the right side of the materialise all botton to access the drop-down menu and select Open launchpad.

Select launchpad

In the launchpad it is possible to replace any config values by your own configuration. For example, the value for the gradient can be changed from '#B22222' (red brick colour) to '#c0c0c0' (silver grey colour). The list of config options is defined in the 'Synteny plot --> List of config options' sections.

Graphic configuration panel

Job 4 : NCBI download job

This job requires to have the EMAIL and API_KEY environnmental variable set in order to access the NCBI database.

In order to set your keywords for the NCBI database query, click the arrow on the right side of the materialise all botton to access the drop-down menu and select Open launchpad.

Select launchpad for NCBI download job

You can then set the search_key with your own keywords. Example: "Paenibacillus larvae"[Organism] AND complete genome[Title]

NCBI query configuration panel

Metadata and results of each run

Dagster wil keep track of the job that have been run and of he outcome.

The informations can be found in the Assets panel.


For each asset, you can review the metadata generated during the run as for the below example regarding the creation of the synteny plot.

Example asset: create_graph