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Getting started with synphage

synphage is a pipeline to create genome synteny graphics from genbank files. synphage is available via pip install or as docker image.
For more detailed instruction, consult synphage installation guide.


If you are familiar with Python, you can install synphage via pip. If not, we recommend using the docker image instead.


synphage is available independently of your operative system, you can run synphage on:

  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows

The binaries in the python wheel are built universally so as far as you have Python 3.11 you are all set.

Via pip

Users installing synphage with pip, need to have Blast+ installed as well (see requirement installation).

# Latest
pip install synphage

For more details, see the Installation guide.

Via docker

docker pull vestalisvirginis/synphage:<tag>

Replace <tag> with the latest image tag.
See complete documention

The Docker image comes with all the dependencies pre-installed. For more details, see the Installation guide.

Additional dependencies

synphage relies on one non-python dependency that needs to be manually installed when synphage is installed with pip: - Blast+ >= 2.12.0

Install Blast+ using your package manager of choice, e.g. for linux ubuntu:

apt update
apt install -y ncbi-blast+

or by downloading an executables appropriate for your system. For help, check the complete installation documentation.



synphage requires the user to specify the following environment variables: - INPUT_DIR : to specify the path to the folder containing the user's GenBank files. If not set, this path will be defaulted to the temp folder. This path can also be modified at run time.
- OUTPUT_DIR: to specify the path to the folder where the data generated during the run will be stored. If not set, this path will be defaulted to the temp folder.
- EMAIL (optional): to connect to the NCBI database.
- API_KEY (optional): to connect to the NCBI database and download files.


These variables can be set with a .env file located in your working directory (Dagster will automatically load them from the .env file when initialising the pipeline) or can be passed in the terminal before starting to run synphage:

export INPUT_DIR=<path_to_data_folder>
export OUTPUT_DIR=<path_to_synphage_folder>
export API_KEY=UserApiKey

For docker users, the INPUT_DIR is defaulted to /user_files and OUTPUT_DIR is defaulted to /data.
For more detailed explainations on using synphage docker image, check our documentation.

Running Synphage

A step-by-step example, performed on a group of closely related Lactococcus phages is available in the documentation.

Starting Dagster

synphage uses Dagster. In order to run synphage jobs, you need to start dagster first.

Set up the environment variable DAGSTER_HOME in order to keep a trace of your previous run (optional). For more information, see Dagster documentation.

export DAGSTER_HOME=<dagster_home_directory>

dagster dev -h -p 3000 -m synphage

Running the jobs

synphage pipeline is composed of four steps that need to be run sequencially. See complete documention

Step 1: Loading the data into the pipeline

Data is loaded into the pipeline from the input_folder set by the user and/or downloaded from the NCBI.
- step_1a_get_user_data : load user's data - step_1b_download : download data from the NCBI

  • Only one of the jobs is required to successfully run step 1.
  • Configuration is required for step_1b_download job: search_key, that receives the keywords for querying the NCBI database.
Query config options :
Field Name Description Default Value
search_key Keyword(s) for NCBI query Myoalterovirus

Both jobs can be run if the user needs both, local and downloaded files.

Step 2: Data validation

Completeness of the data is validated at this step. - step_2_make_validation : perform checks and transformations on the dataset that are required for downstream processing


This step is required and cannot be skipped.

Step 3: Blasting the data

The blast is performed at this step of the pipeline and three different options are available:
- step_3a_make_blastn : run a Nucleotide BLAST on the dataset - step_3b_make_blastp : run a Protein BLAST on the dataset - step_3c_make_all_blast : run both, Nucleotide and Protein BLAST simultaneously

  • Only one of the above jobs is required to successfully run step 3.
  • Both step_3a_make_blastn and step_3b_make_blastp jobs can be run sequencially, mainly in the case where the user decide to run the second job based on the results obtained for the first one.
Step 4: Synteny plot

The graph is created during this last step. The step 4 can be run multiple times with different configurations and different sets of data, as long as the data have been processed once through steps 1, 2 and 3. - step_4_make_plot : use data generated at step 3 and the genbank files to plot the synteny diagram


Configuration is require for step_4_make_plot job: graph_type, that receives either blastn or blastp as value for specifying what dataset to use for the plot. Default value is set to blastn. For more information about the configuration at step 4, check the documentation.

  • Different synteny plots can be generated from the same set of genomes. In this case the three first steps only need to be run once and the fourth step, step_4_make_plot, can be triggered separately for each graphs.
  • For modifying the sequences to be plotted (selected sequences, order, orientation), the sequences.csv file generated at step3 can be modify and saved under a different name. This new .csv can be passed in the job configuration sequence_file.,0,1,0
Plotting config options

The appearance of the plot can be modified through the configuration.

Field Name Description Default Value
title Generated plot file title synteny_plot
graph_type Type of dataset to use for the plot blastn
colours Gene identity colour bar ["#fde725", "#90d743", "#35b779", "#21918c", "#31688e", "#443983", "#440154"]
gradient Nucleotide identity colour bar #B22222
graph_shape Linear or circular representation linear
graph_pagesize Output document format A4
graph_fragments Number of fragments 1
graph_start Sequence start  1
graph_end Sequence end length of the longest genome


synphage's output consists of four to six main parquet files (depending if blastn and blastp were both executed) and the synteny graphic. However all the data generated by the synphage pipeline are made available in your data directory.
(see Documentation)

Generated data architecture

├── <path_to_synphage_folder>/
│   ├── download/
│   ├── fs/
│   ├── genbank/
│   ├── gene_identity/
│   │   ├── fasta_n/
│   │   ├── blastn_database/
│   │   └── blastn/
│   ├── protein_identity/
│   │   ├── fasta_p/
│   │   ├── blastp_database/
│   │   └── blastp/
│   ├── tables/
│   │   ├── genbank_db.parquet
│   │   ├── processed_genbank_df.parquet
│   │   ├── blastn_summary.parquet
│   │   ├── blastp_summary.parquet
│   │   ├── gene_uniqueness.parquet
│   │   └── protein_uniqueness.parquet
│   ├── sequences.csv
│   └── synteny/
│      ├── colour_table.parquet
│      ├── synteny_graph.png
│      └── synteny_graph.svg
└── ...


The tables folder contains the four to six main parquet files generated by the pipeline. 1. genbank_db.parquet : original data parsed from the GenBank files. 2. processed_genbank_df.parquet : data processed during the validation step. It contains two additional columns: - gb_type : specifying what type of data is used as unique identifier of the coding elements - key: unique identifier based on the columns: filename, id and locus_tag. 3. blastn_summary.parquet : data parsed from the blastn output json files. It contains the collection of the best match for each sequence against each genomes. The percentage of identity between two sequences are then used for calculating the plot cross-links between the sequences.
4. blastp_summary.parquet : data parsed from the blastp output json files. It contains the collection of the best match for each sequence against each genomes. The percentage of identity between two sequences are then used for calculating the plot cross-links between the sequences.
5. gene_uniqueness.parquet : combines both processed_genbank_df.parquet and blastn_summary.parquet in a single parquet file, allowing the user to quickly know how many matches their sequence(s) of interest has/have retrieved. These data are then used to compute the colour code used for the synteny plot. The result of the computation is recorded in the colour_table.parquet. This file is over-written between each plot run. 6. protein_uniqueness.parquet : combines both processed_genbank_df.parquet and blastp_summary.parquet in a single parquet file, allowing the user to quickly know how many matches their sequence(s) of interest has/have retrieved. These data are then used to compute the colour code used for the synteny plot. The result of the computation is recorded in the colour_table.parquet. This file is over-written between each plot run.

Synteny plot

The synteny plot is generated as .svg file and .png file, and contains the sequences indicated in the sequences.csv file. The genes are colour-coded according to their abundance (percentage) among the plotted sequences. The cross-links between each consecutive sequence indicates the percentage of similarities between those two sequences.